About Caroline

caroline rose kraft

I am Caroline Rose (Kraft) Sanders, which can be loosely transliterated as “Strong Little Rose.”

I seek to be strong, though I be little.

I am the blogger formerly known as Everly at a blog called Clickety-Clack, 2007-2016.

At twenty-three, I decided to start afresh with Sweet is the Light and see if a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…

I love Jesus, but mostly He loves me. I am just a grateful victim of His immeasurable, relentless love.

I love my family (2 parents + eight siblings + a brother-in-law + a sister-in-law + cutest nephew ever) and our family home, Eyrie Park.

I love writing, walking, singing, children’s books, doodling, naps, cooking, having meaningful conversation and traveling to new places. I’m a textbook INFJ.

I was unschooled, I am a pineapple sibling (sister through adoption) and I look for kindred spirits everywhere I go.

Communication is my lifeblood, so shoot me a message!

God is continually healing me from chronic cynicism and showing me that every day in the light is sweet indeed.

Ecclesiastes 11:7: “Light is sweet; one glimpse of the sun delights the eyes.”

You can also find me at kindredgrace.com & on Facebook & Instagram.

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