Category: children

  • in which I become an aunt!

    in which I become an aunt!

    My sister delivered a perfect gift from God yesterday! She did an exceptional job and she and Baby are both doing great. We are on Cloud 9! Thank you to those who prayed. -Aunt Everly

  • Cinderella: Heroine or Doormat?

    Cinderella: Heroine or Doormat?

    Earlier this week, I went with my sisters and mom to see Disney’s Cinderella in theaters. I can’t watch anything these days without questioning what it is teaching my ten and eleven-year old sisters. I had heard various reviews of this latest princess movie and was eager to develop my own opinion. The question is simple: is…

  • yearning for heaven (unashamedly)

    yearning for heaven (unashamedly)

    I have been thinking about baby names. My niece or nephew inspire such topics. It’s weird to think that, if you were named after someone, you were named after an imperfect person. Even Biblical characters (except Jesus, obviously) were sinful. Name someone “David” and you’re naming them after an adulterer and liar. Name someone “Moses” and you’re…

  • in which I discover a super weapon against racism

    in which I discover a super weapon against racism

    While I’m voraciously reading about the Ferguson issue (and all the issues that have spawned from it,) Sam is reading To Kill a Mockingbird for school. The irony is a little much. It’s his first time, so I try to warn him, but when he closes the book he says he still wasn’t prepared. And…

  • choosing to love {already}

    choosing to love {already}

    Last Wednesday, my sister and her husband took my family and I completely by surprise and announced that they’re expecting their first child this summer! I was astonished that I hadn’t already caught on, seeing as they currently live with us and “sister vibes” are totally scientific. The family erupted in tears of joy, shouts…

  • how deep the father’s love

    how deep the father’s love

    I have been trying to write this post for more than an hour, but I am continually interrupted. I keep finding myself singing the song “Little Girls” from Annie. Whenever I walk into my room, I either find small shoes spread across my room, or that my own shoes have been marched to a new location. Fuzzy…

  • of ladies and flower girls

    of ladies and flower girls

    My little sister Jubilee is eleven years and she loves all things old fashioned. She obsesses over the Little House on the Prairie books, dresses up in a colonial maid’s costume to do her chores and love-love-loves classic musicals. Her favorite actress is Leslie Caron, and who can blame her? Leslie was (and is) elegant,…

  • a bit of an announcement

    a bit of an announcement

    Yup! It looks like my parents and one of my sisters will be flying out the end of this month and returning with our very own, brand new baby sis! We couldn’t be more excited. Thank you ALL for your prayers and support. God has been good, patient with our impatience and provident. Glory be!…

  • 12 Book-Inspired Movies for Girls

    12 Book-Inspired Movies for Girls

    Any day now, my littlest sister should get her travel dates to come home permanently! I’m super excited to have four younger sisters at last. Having little girls in the house (the youngest being nine and eleven) gives me a very heightened sense when it comes to books and movies. I always have my eye out…

  • imagining meggie

    imagining meggie

      When Meggie was here, it was Christmas. Ah-of course it was! It will feel like Christmas when she returns again. And now, six long months have passed. We’re coming up on the one-year anniversary of first laying eyes on her. We are so anxious for this adoption to be done at last. Other families…

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