Category: family

  • in which I become an aunt!

    in which I become an aunt!

    My sister delivered a perfect gift from God yesterday! She did an exceptional job and she and Baby are both doing great. We are on Cloud 9! Thank you to those who prayed. -Aunt Everly

  • Happy Birthday, Daddy!

    Happy Birthday, Daddy!

    I wrote a little tribute to my dad on Instagram for his birthday, and then I decided I should share it here. My dad is truly the best! So thankful to my Heavenly Father for my Daddy! This is my dad. It is pretty hard to catch him in front of the camera, but I found this shot…

  • #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 9)

    #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 9)

    April 15, 2015 Rented Apartment, Old Riga We didn’t do a lot today, which was actually really nice. Because I didn’t use any public transportation today, I am about to put my pajamas on and watch “Decoy Bride” with the parents and then hit the hay! Yay! We got up this morning and went to…

  • #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 7)

    #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 7)

    The next morning, we did a quick tour of Juliet’s home and museum and got pictures on THE balcony, but the courtyard was already flooded with tourists by then. We had breakfast via room service at tables in our rooms, which was delightful. More pretending to be princesses ensued! The hotel agreed to store our…

  • #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 3)

    #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 3)

    April 7, 2015 11:00 PM I am writing this entry by electric light on our houseboat. Tonight will be our last night on the canal. Then it’s more lugging of backpacks and hopping of trams. Today we had breakfast at the Thissen Cafe across the “start” from our boat. Phoebe and Dorothy went ahead of the parents…

  • #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 2)

    #everlyabroad (entries from my journal 2)

    April 6, 2015 I am writing this by candlelight, on a boat, in a canal and I’m eating butterscotch chocolate while I do. Sounds romantic, doesn’t it? Well, even though everything I described is true, our circumstances aren’t quite romantic. We are on a houseboat in Amsterdam and all was going well until Daddy pulled…

  • Cinderella: Heroine or Doormat?

    Cinderella: Heroine or Doormat?

    Earlier this week, I went with my sisters and mom to see Disney’s Cinderella in theaters. I can’t watch anything these days without questioning what it is teaching my ten and eleven-year old sisters. I had heard various reviews of this latest princess movie and was eager to develop my own opinion. The question is simple: is…

  • everly abroad

    everly abroad

    Dear Faithful Readers, I have so enjoyed this whole blogging thing lately. I’ve been writing about adoption, great books, prayer, being a stay-at-home daughter, singleness and dressing modestly. What you didn’t know was that I was keeping a big secret from you all along. Plans have been in the works for some time, but they weren’t finalized until…

  • Why I’m (Still) a SAHD (Part Three: A Week in the Life)

    Why I’m (Still) a SAHD (Part Three: A Week in the Life)

    My plan has always been to conclude with a post addressing the challenges of staying home as an adult, but the more I thought about, the more I felt that I had addressed the main points in the previous posts. It can be a challenge, but with good communication and grace, the balance of home…

  • Why I’m Still a SAHD (Part Two: Other Reasons)

    Why I’m Still a SAHD (Part Two: Other Reasons)

    You can read the introduction and part one of this series here and here! Now that we’ve covered what a SAHD is and why I personally love being home, I wanted to dive into the common reasons given for daughters staying home and discuss whether or not they are actually valid. If I’m not staying…

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