Category: hope

  • who is invited?

    who is invited?

    When I was about seventeen, I was attended a soiree. That’s right, not a party—a soiree. “Who is invited?” I had asked. My brother and sister who were sure the invitation included me, though that wasn’t completely evident. They were friends of the family hosting the event and I was an acquaintance of theirs. I put on…

  • how to be the fairest of them all

    how to be the fairest of them all

    I open the box the mailman just delivered and begin to grin. I pull out a beautiful bronze necklace and hold it up for my sisters to see. I think it’s charming, so I plan tomorrow’s outfit around it. I wear my new necklace to the office, post it on Instagram. The jewelry, along with the…

  • on being “desperate”

    on being “desperate”

      Once upon a time, I swore I would never write about singleness. After all, nothing screams “desperate” quite like blogging about wishing you were married. However, in the past couple of years, I’ve received so much encouragement from my friends who are not ashamed of their relationship status and are bold enough to write…

  • yearning for heaven (unashamedly)

    yearning for heaven (unashamedly)

    I have been thinking about baby names. My niece or nephew inspire such topics. It’s weird to think that, if you were named after someone, you were named after an imperfect person. Even Biblical characters (except Jesus, obviously) were sinful. Name someone “David” and you’re naming them after an adulterer and liar. Name someone “Moses” and you’re…

  • in which I discover a super weapon against racism

    in which I discover a super weapon against racism

    While I’m voraciously reading about the Ferguson issue (and all the issues that have spawned from it,) Sam is reading To Kill a Mockingbird for school. The irony is a little much. It’s his first time, so I try to warn him, but when he closes the book he says he still wasn’t prepared. And…

  • when God the Father seems overly protective

    Though I sometimes suspect I’m turning into A Morning Person, I have to admit to a life-long hatred of alarm clocks. The sound my phone makes across the room when it’s time to get up for work is one of my least-favorite ditties ever to exist. In that inevitable moment, I forget that I am…

  • when you have a whole box of matches (and none of them will light)

    when you have a whole box of matches (and none of them will light)

    It was a pink, glowing morning. I slid the key into the lock and slipped through the front door of the office, flipped the lights on and opened the blinds before plopping into my spinning chair. The day before, I had found a small box of matches in the office kitchen and I was excited…

  • a shift to september

    a shift to september

    Well! After a long wait, change has finally graced us with her presence. As the first flurries of snow fall on the stone streets of Riga, beauty berries appear on the cusp of our woods here at Eyrie Park. A new semester begins and college students flood back into town, children pose for back-to-school photos…

  • a bit of an announcement

    a bit of an announcement

    Yup! It looks like my parents and one of my sisters will be flying out the end of this month and returning with our very own, brand new baby sis! We couldn’t be more excited. Thank you ALL for your prayers and support. God has been good, patient with our impatience and provident. Glory be!…

  • the ever distant horizon

    the ever distant horizon

    As hot as the days are in July in Texas, I still find myself leaning against the oven while we make dinner. My sister has just come home from work and is unloading groceries. Her husband should be home soon. They’ve been living with us for one of out the three years they’ve been married.…

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