Category: prayer

  • 7 {real} reasons we don’t pray

    7 {real} reasons we don’t pray

    “To be a Christian without prayer is more impossible than to be alive without breathing.” These are the famous words of Martin Luther, the seminal figure behind the Protestant Reformation. Either he missed the mark by a mile, or we’re in hot water. I’d venture to say most Christians don’t pray. Much. I’m including myself…

  • bothering God

    bothering God

    When I was in high school, Spring Break meant very little to me. One thing I did love, however, was the fact that my friends who went to school were off for a whole week or more. One such friend was my cousin David. We were really close when we were younger and, one year,…

  • when God the Father seems overly protective

    Though I sometimes suspect I’m turning into A Morning Person, I have to admit to a life-long hatred of alarm clocks. The sound my phone makes across the room when it’s time to get up for work is one of my least-favorite ditties ever to exist. In that inevitable moment, I forget that I am…

  • “I like your Christ”

    “I like your Christ”

    Christians sometimes have a bad reputation because sometimes we live up to it. Though many Christ-followers have mimicked their leader by being generous, kind and self-sacrificing, others have worn the name of Christ while leading crusades against muslims, marching through military funerals ranting about doom or just generally being a jerk. For Christians who are…

  • the gentle slope

    the gentle slope

    Sunday afternoon, I had come home from church after spending several hours there singing, listening, praying, taking notes, flipping through the pages of my Bible, fellowshipping and attending a lunch meeting. I plopped onto my bed and surveyed my bedspread. Sundays usually find my bed in disarray because I clean primarily on Mondays. A pile…

  • what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    One day, Jesus and I walked to the top of the mountain and Jesus was transfigured, showing me all of His glory. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and they started chatting it up like old times. And I said, “Jesus, it is a good thing I’m here, because I have an iphone and this totally…

  • in my father’s footsteps

    in my father’s footsteps

    “So, will any of your kids follow in your footsteps? Will any of them be doctors?” Several people have posed the question over the years. “Not if I can help it.” My dad responds. As a matter of fact, my dad has been so open about the pitfalls of becoming a medical doctor that he…

  • she just sees babies

    she just sees babies

    Today, the inevitable happened. I had my first counseling-related emotional breakdown. Earlier this morning, I had been on the sidewalk, fanning myself with my “choices” brochure, sunscreen sliding down my legs. We were thankful that (for some unknown reason) the facility had been very late in opening. However, once the doors were open, the cars…

  • sanctity of relationships?

    sanctity of relationships?

    My mom and I have been talking about the sanctity of life. She hasn’t just been convicted, she’s brave enough to tell me so. She prays with my dad about what we can do to protect it, this sacred thing. Shortly afterward, she finds herself making the first sacrifice. A giant pro-life sticker on her…

  • spiritual scabs

    spiritual scabs

    I don’t like the word “scab” but it was the only word that made any sense. That’s what it was: a scab. A place where I had once been wounded. A place where healing was in the process of happening. Scabs itch. They’re the natural Band-Aid that is meant to be temporary. They are ugly…

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