Category: reading

  • why I just deleted my reading list (+ an update)

    why I just deleted my reading list (+ an update)

      Happy New Year, everyone! It’s 2015 and I am raring to go. I have had a lot of time off work over the holidays and I positively drank it all in (still am.) I sat by the fire until my back itched. I played games without thought of “what else I need to be…

  • Beyond Pop-Up Books: 8 Christmasy Titles to Put You in the Spirit

    Beyond Pop-Up Books: 8 Christmasy Titles to Put You in the Spirit

    Disclaimer: this post contains a few modest affiliate links. At no cost to you, your clicks and purchases support a struggling blogger. 😉 Eyrie Park is home to thousands of books. There are books in every bedroom, in the den and living room, in the kitchen and in closets. At Christmas time, we empty a couple of…

  • 7 Stories that Helped Me Relate to the Poor

    7 Stories that Helped Me Relate to the Poor

    I am a very privileged person. Growing up, we may not have had everything we could’ve wanted, but we were never hungry or in need. Poverty was just something I read about in my many, many books. I recently had a conversation with my eleven-year-old sister about why certain people act the way they do.…

  • 12 Book-Inspired Movies for Girls

    12 Book-Inspired Movies for Girls

    Any day now, my littlest sister should get her travel dates to come home permanently! I’m super excited to have four younger sisters at last. Having little girls in the house (the youngest being nine and eleven) gives me a very heightened sense when it comes to books and movies. I always have my eye out…

  • the gentle slope

    the gentle slope

    Sunday afternoon, I had come home from church after spending several hours there singing, listening, praying, taking notes, flipping through the pages of my Bible, fellowshipping and attending a lunch meeting. I plopped onto my bed and surveyed my bedspread. Sundays usually find my bed in disarray because I clean primarily on Mondays. A pile…

  • reading challenge update!

    This year, I gave myself a Read-My-Bookcase Challenge. The idea was to read umpteen first-time books of my own bountiful shelf instead of buying new books because I happen to hear about them or hear them recommended this year. I have not done so well keeping up the pace (I’ve never been a fast reader,)…

  • I say “feminism,” you hear…

    I say “feminism,” you hear…

    man-hater, anti-family, loud-mouth, bible-basher, pro-choice, bra-burning floozy.  Fill in the blank. I know I did. Some of you might know that in 2012 I pitched a book to three Christian publishing houses about feminism and legalism in the church. All three rejected it, but one agent stopped my pitch and told me about a conversation…

  • Chatting it up with Emily Freeman!

    Chatting it up with Emily Freeman!

    So, today at Kindred Grace I’m calling Emily P. Freeman an “authoress” and that makes her pretty excited. And it makes me pretty excited too, because she’s authored two books and there’s another one on the way! Head on over there for a great interview, an amazing deal and the promise of a give-away! Everly

  • friends tell friends about books

    I could keep it a secret, but that’s not what good friends do. For Christmas, my mom got me a copy of Rumors of Water by L. L. Barkat. I thought I kind of knew what it was, having read an excerpt of it last year (and printed it and put it in my writer’s binder) so…

  • right where we want her

    right where we want her

    We’re not sure where Jubilee has gone, but there’s an “old fashioned girl” who has been hanging around here a lot. She washes her clothes on a washboard and hangs them on a line. She speaks in a British accent. She uses proper manners at the table. And she reads…a lot. Before the rest of…

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