Category: wisdom

  • 3 {real} reasons to dress modestly

    3 {real} reasons to dress modestly

    “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” 1 Timothy 2:9-10 KJV I’ve heard it said that the 1 Timothy 2:9 call for women in the church to…

  • when God the Father seems overly protective

    Though I sometimes suspect I’m turning into A Morning Person, I have to admit to a life-long hatred of alarm clocks. The sound my phone makes across the room when it’s time to get up for work is one of my least-favorite ditties ever to exist. In that inevitable moment, I forget that I am…

  • when you have a whole box of matches (and none of them will light)

    when you have a whole box of matches (and none of them will light)

    It was a pink, glowing morning. I slid the key into the lock and slipped through the front door of the office, flipped the lights on and opened the blinds before plopping into my spinning chair. The day before, I had found a small box of matches in the office kitchen and I was excited…

  • of ladies and flower girls

    of ladies and flower girls

    My little sister Jubilee is eleven years and she loves all things old fashioned. She obsesses over the Little House on the Prairie books, dresses up in a colonial maid’s costume to do her chores and love-love-loves classic musicals. Her favorite actress is Leslie Caron, and who can blame her? Leslie was (and is) elegant,…

  • “I like your Christ”

    “I like your Christ”

    Christians sometimes have a bad reputation because sometimes we live up to it. Though many Christ-followers have mimicked their leader by being generous, kind and self-sacrificing, others have worn the name of Christ while leading crusades against muslims, marching through military funerals ranting about doom or just generally being a jerk. For Christians who are…

  • the gentle slope

    the gentle slope

    Sunday afternoon, I had come home from church after spending several hours there singing, listening, praying, taking notes, flipping through the pages of my Bible, fellowshipping and attending a lunch meeting. I plopped onto my bed and surveyed my bedspread. Sundays usually find my bed in disarray because I clean primarily on Mondays. A pile…

  • daily frights

    Someone once said, “do something every day that scares you.” The first time I heard this, I thought it was an awful idea. I imagined myself putting my hand over a wasp nest or jumping in front of a bus on a daily basis. This not only seemed unwise, but I could not see the…

  • independent of what?

    independent of what?

    “I am a strong, beautiful, independent woman.” As modern women, particularly in America, we are taught to describe ourselves this way. The three adjectives may very well be true, but they often seem to be our default terms to cover personal insecurities. The real question is, independent of what? As a Christian woman, I’ve taken…

  • in my father’s footsteps

    in my father’s footsteps

    “So, will any of your kids follow in your footsteps? Will any of them be doctors?” Several people have posed the question over the years. “Not if I can help it.” My dad responds. As a matter of fact, my dad has been so open about the pitfalls of becoming a medical doctor that he…

  • table talk and a new series

    table talk and a new series

    The meal was a simple one of eggs, bacon and fried potatoes but the preparation had been almost strenuous. My dad had fried the bacon on a skillet on our grill, my mother had fried the chunks of red potatoes one little batch at a time at the stove and I had scrambled eighteen eggs…

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