Category: worship

  • 3 {real} reasons to dress modestly

    3 {real} reasons to dress modestly

    “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” 1 Timothy 2:9-10 KJV I’ve heard it said that the 1 Timothy 2:9 call for women in the church to…

  • when God the Father seems overly protective

    Though I sometimes suspect I’m turning into A Morning Person, I have to admit to a life-long hatred of alarm clocks. The sound my phone makes across the room when it’s time to get up for work is one of my least-favorite ditties ever to exist. In that inevitable moment, I forget that I am…

  • what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    One day, Jesus and I walked to the top of the mountain and Jesus was transfigured, showing me all of His glory. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and they started chatting it up like old times. And I said, “Jesus, it is a good thing I’m here, because I have an iphone and this totally…

  • gather up the fragments

    gather up the fragments

    This post is the second in a series. Read part one here. Some of you know better than others that the past couple of years have had some really painful chapters for me. My little sister moved out under less than ideal circumstances, I wrote a book and faced rejection, I lost some dear friends…

  • go ahead and label me

    go ahead and label me

    In my last post, I mentioned something that I could honestly rant about (so just go ahead and thank me for all of my self-control!) I said that I don’t agree with everything our government, fellow Christians, the pro-life movement and even myself have said or done. To be honest, I have differences of opinion…

  • sanctity of relationships?

    sanctity of relationships?

    My mom and I have been talking about the sanctity of life. She hasn’t just been convicted, she’s brave enough to tell me so. She prays with my dad about what we can do to protect it, this sacred thing. Shortly afterward, she finds herself making the first sacrifice. A giant pro-life sticker on her…

  • why there’s nothing “conservative” about being a homemaker

    why there’s nothing “conservative” about being a homemaker

    I am in no way against women working outside of the home or pursuing a career. What really irks and saddens me is that women so often base their worth solely on these things. The work done inside the home is so infinitely important and the work done in the soul is the only work…

  • spiritual scabs

    spiritual scabs

    I don’t like the word “scab” but it was the only word that made any sense. That’s what it was: a scab. A place where I had once been wounded. A place where healing was in the process of happening. Scabs itch. They’re the natural Band-Aid that is meant to be temporary. They are ugly…

  • a timely hymn

    a timely hymn

    Every year we sing the first verse of this hymn as a family. Holding hands in a huge circle, laughing because so many of the men-folk still don’t know any of the words, and then closing in prayer before getting in line for food. I always thought it was interesting since it isn’t really about…

  • hope of the earth

    hope of the earth

    I walked into the session rather skeptical. I was interested in the topic, but I wasn’t so sure about the author. After all, she didn’t just write Christian fiction, she wrote Amish fiction, a genre I have never fully understood. I see why one or two books set in an Amish community could be really interesting. Even…

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