Category: writing

  • when God the Father seems overly protective

    Though I sometimes suspect I’m turning into A Morning Person, I have to admit to a life-long hatred of alarm clocks. The sound my phone makes across the room when it’s time to get up for work is one of my least-favorite ditties ever to exist. In that inevitable moment, I forget that I am…

  • what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    One day, Jesus and I walked to the top of the mountain and Jesus was transfigured, showing me all of His glory. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and they started chatting it up like old times. And I said, “Jesus, it is a good thing I’m here, because I have an iphone and this totally…

  • a month since meggie

    a month since meggie

    It’s been a month since Meggie left, a month since I penned a teary letter to her. The adoption process is hardly moving. It reminds me of a spider, dragging it’s prey up a wall. If you’ve ever witnessed these efforts, you know what I mean. If not, I’ll just tell you it involves a…

  • january thoughts

    january thoughts

    I thought about starting this post with an apology for being quiet around here, but the truth is that things have been loud outside of my computer and I’m not sorry. As a matter of fact, I think I’ve told Meggie to please be quiet about ten times today. Like many of you, I love…

  • table talk and a new series

    table talk and a new series

    The meal was a simple one of eggs, bacon and fried potatoes but the preparation had been almost strenuous. My dad had fried the bacon on a skillet on our grill, my mother had fried the chunks of red potatoes one little batch at a time at the stove and I had scrambled eighteen eggs…

  • the one about allume

    the one about allume

    Last month I had the pleasurable opportunity to attend The Allume Conference in Greenville, South Carolina. My mother accompanied me after rescheduling our family reunion (which includes about fifty people!) so that I wouldn’t have to miss it while I was gone. We had never taken a trip together, just the two of us, and…

  • spiritual puberty and the further chronicles

    I recently wrote some advice for young bloggers. I said, There are some downsides to starting so young. I will be writing soon about the “spiritual puberty” the whole internet watched me go through. People saw me change and go back on my words and say things that I disagree with now, and that’s uncomfortable.…

  • Advice to Young Bloggers

    Advice to Young Bloggers

    Why should I give advice to young bloggers? Heaven knows I’m not a techy person. I’ve grown up in the computer age, but my experience with electronics has been a lot of trial and error, learning from mistakes (or just continuing to make them) and doing things the long, hard way. In other words, this…

  • au revoir

    au revoir

    I think it’s safe to say that I’ve been busy lately. Last weekend was an exhausting end to Meggie’s stay with us. Watching her walk through security to board her plane back to the other side of the world, back to being an orphan, was difficult. However, we didn’t say “goodbye.” We said “au revoir.”…

  • what i’m into

    what i’m into

    Because I’m trying to do more than just allow myself to be sucked into the Internet and obsessively search for answers to all of the latest controversial topics (it’s really not healthy, guys) I’m doing something different today. I love it when other bloggers do stuff like this, so I hope YOU enjoy today’s post.…

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