Category: Quiet Life

  • In which I blog as worship

    In which I blog as worship

    Why do people choose to have children? It’s something I occasionally ponder. As someone who has known she wanted to have children since she was a child, you’d think I’d have an answer to this. I am sure the answer is longer than a blog post and pertains to more theology, sociology, biology and psychology…

  • An Old Fashioned Blog

    An Old Fashioned Blog

    Hello World, That’s the way we used to begin. We used to open our laptops with trepidation, like the internet was some honorable, holy thing. We’d click out our humble opinions with some anxiety. Why should anyone hear from little ol’ me? But what if they don’t? Those days are gone. I’ve been blogging for…

  • ashamed by joy

    ashamed by joy

    Today I boxed up my turntable for the U.P.S. man to pick up. It’s making a wonky sound and we’re going to try to exchange it. I made what seemed like a thousand newspaper balls to keep it safe on the journey. I went to work and wrapped up gifts for babies in Vienna, Switzerland,…

  • how we eat

    how we eat

    Easing back into blogging in the most July-ish way. We move and talk slow down here in Texas when July blesses us with triple digit readings on the thermometer and high humidity. When I “rebranded” as they call it in the blogging world, I chose “Sweet is the Light” as the name of my new…

  • what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    One day, Jesus and I walked to the top of the mountain and Jesus was transfigured, showing me all of His glory. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and they started chatting it up like old times. And I said, “Jesus, it is a good thing I’m here, because I have an iphone and this totally…

  • 7 (real) reasons we don’t pray

    7 (real) reasons we don’t pray

    “To be a Christian without prayer is more impossible than to be alive without breathing.” These are the famous words of Martin Luther, the seminal figure behind the Protestant Reformation. Either he missed the mark by a mile, or we’re in hot water. I’d venture to say most Christians don’t pray. Much. I’m including myself…

  • wisdom, knowledge and joyfulness: part three

    wisdom, knowledge and joyfulness: part three

    “Next I began some enormous projects…” Ecclesiastes 2:4 Early yesterday evening found me sitting on my floor with my laptop, a cold cup of coffee, my wallet and my phone. I was sweating through the same shirt I had worn the day before, my hair was unbrushed and I hadn’t had dinner. I was buying an…

  • on being “desperate”

    on being “desperate”

      Once upon a time, I swore I would never write about singleness. After all, nothing screams “desperate” quite like blogging about wishing you were married. However, in the past couple of years, I’ve received so much encouragement from my friends who are not ashamed of their relationship status and are bold enough to write…

  • the gentle slope

    the gentle slope

    Sunday afternoon, I had come home from church after spending several hours there singing, listening, praying, taking notes, flipping through the pages of my Bible, fellowshipping and attending a lunch meeting. I plopped onto my bed and surveyed my bedspread. Sundays usually find my bed in disarray because I clean primarily on Mondays. A pile…

  • what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    what the transfiguration taught me about blogging

    One day, Jesus and I walked to the top of the mountain and Jesus was transfigured, showing me all of His glory. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and they started chatting it up like old times. And I said, “Jesus, it is a good thing I’m here, because I have an iphone and this totally…

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